Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Committment

Every new year brings much of the same: resolutions, promises to do better, determination to break old habits or lose that last 10 (or 40) pounds that magically appeared over the last year. And every year, these promises seem to go unfulfilled. Whether it is a lack of determination or the busy-ness of life is debatable. But the fact remains that many resolutions go unresolved. I have made my fair share of these resolutions over the years, and like many people, I have let them falter and fail, never reaching the end of what I started out so excited to do. Enter this blog. I started writing this blog about a year and a half ago, and it's been almost that long since I wrote anything on it. I loved it to begin with. I finally had somewhere to write down my thoughts and have other people see what was going on inside my head. And that is huge to me. I have an English degree and writing has always been a passion of mine. But as the days moved on, I convinced myself I was too busy to write, had too much to do, and sort of gave up on the idea of a blog. But this year, I believe things are going to be different. I still have just as much to do, just as many things going on in my life, but I am making it a priority to write on my blog. Maybe it will be a few sentences a day. Maybe it will be a few entries a week. I'm not sure how it will happen, but I am determined to stay committed to this. I plan on seeing this resolution through to the end.

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